What is Social Awareness?
The ability to understand the perspectives of and empathize with others, including those from diverse backgrounds, cultures and context. Social Awareness will allow your student to acknowledge others perspectives, demonstrate empathy and compassion, and understand and express gratitude.
How will this help our students?
Taking others perspectives
Recognizing strengths in others
Demonstrating empathy and compassion
Showing concern for the feelings of others
Understanding and expressing gratitude
Identifying diverse social norms, including unjust ones
What Strategies can be used at home to help with Social Awareness?
Think-and-Feel Alouds
Asking : “How do you think your friends did in class?”
“How did your friends feel about…”
“What do you think your teacher meant when they said…”
People Watching : Facial Expressions
Understanding/teaching how facial expressions are perceived versus how they are intended.
Discussion Tasks
Asking : “How do you feel the week went?”
“What are some things you could improve upon”
“How do you feel you are balancing social life with school work?”
“How do you think you and your friends are doing in class?”
Listening to Understand and Show Respect
Allow your student to speak without judgment. “I know you did not do your best on this exam. What do you feel are areas you can improve on.” “How are you feeling about this class right now?” “Do you think your friends are feeling the same way about this class?”
Resources to Download
Social Awareness at Home

Social Awareness at School

Social Awareness on the Bus

How are Beloit Turner students feeling about Social Awareness skills?
Students in grades 2-12 take a Life Readiness self-reflection survey 3 times per year. The survey is meant as a reflection for students to think about what is easy and what is difficult for them. This survey does not identify whether or not they can use these skills, but rather how difficult it is for them to use them.
Most Difficult Most Easy
The School District of Beloit Turner has developed these resources, strategies, and data processes from years of learning and researching the best practices around College, Career, and Life Readiness. The following resources were studied as a part of developing the above.
Redefining Ready! - National College and Career Readiness Indicators
WCSD Social and Emotional Competency Assessment
Social Emotional Learning and the Brain