
Self Awareness

What is Self-Awareness?

The ability to recognize our own emotions in various situations and to put a name to them. Self-Awareness will include encouraging your student to identify emotions, gain an accurate self-perception, recognize strengths, gain self-confidence and demonstrate self-efficacy. 

Middle School Students Having Fun

How will this help our students?

  • Be able to identify emotions

  • Have an accurate self-perception

  • Recognize strengths

  • Possess self-confidence

  • Demonstrate self-efficacy

What Strategies can be used at home to help with Self-Awareness? 


Allow your student and yourself time to write down events from the day and record feelings. If your student isn’t comfortable journaling independently, consider a family journal.

Taking a break

Realize that in some situations you or your student may need to take a break before continuing conversations.

Self confidence Builders

Practice positive self- talk, ask your student for their opinion/advice when making decisions, provide age appropriate tasks around the house, and help them discover interests/passions.

Emotional Vocabulary

Promote an emotional vocabulary as a guardian. Model this vocabulary through conversations and discussions.

  • I get frustrated when …

  • I feel most confident when I …

Identifying strengths and weaknesses

Discuss your strengths and weaknesses with your student and then talk to them about how you are continually working to improve. Allow your student to share their strengths and weaknesses also and discuss ways they can work to improve.

Resources to Download

Self-Awareness at Home

Self-Awareness at School

Self-Awareness on the Bus

How are Beloit Turner students feeling about Self-Awareness skills? 

Students in grades 2-12 take a Life Readiness self-reflection survey 3 times per year. The survey is meant as a reflection for students to think about what is easy and what is difficult for them. This survey does not identify whether or not they can use these skills, but rather how difficult it is for them to use them. 

Most Difficult
     Most Easy

The School District of Beloit Turner has developed these resources, strategies, and data processes from years of learning and researching the best practices around College, Career, and Life Readiness. The following resources were studied as a part of developing the above. 

Redefining Ready! - National College and Career Readiness Indicators
WCSD Social and Emotional Competency Assessment
Social Emotional Learning and the Brain 

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