Who We Are
If your child has a disability, Special Education can help make the difference in your child's life. Your Special Education team consists of certified staff and support personnel who fulfill the philosophy that all children benefit socially, physically, emotionally, creatively, and academically from parents, teachers, and administrators sharing the responsibility of meeting the child's needs within a common learning environment. The educational atmosphere is one of mutual respect, freedom to develop individual potential and interests, and the ability to express ideas, feelings, and imagination.
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed and effective on a yearly basis. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is determined collaboratively on an individual basis with inclusion in the classroom a specific goal.
What We Do
Special Education in the School District of Beloit Turner…
- Operates not as a separate entity, but in collaboration and cooperation with all staff
- Is a service, not a place
- Includes a continuum of services offered to ensure student success
- Serves students in the Least Restrictive Environment in which they can be successful
- Involves parents as partners in decision-making about their child’s educational program
- Is driven by student need, not a categorical label
- Uses a variety of techniques, strategies and methods to address the different styles and rates of student learning
- Assists classroom teachers in providing necessary modifications for student success
- Integrates technology to assist students in reaching their potential
Services We Provide
- Speech and Language - pathologists work with students who demonstrate delays in age level speech and/or language skills including communication skills and articulation
- Learning Disabilities Program - students who demonstrate significant delays in basic academic subjects may qualify for targeted assistance
- Emotional / Behavioral Disabilities Program - students with chronic and severe behaviors which interfere with their learning may be eligible for specialized skill programming
- Cognitive Disabilities Program - students with significant low general intellectual abilities and academic skills may receive instruction in integrated classes at the primary and middle / high school levels
- Hearing / Visually Impaired Assistance - special programming and adaptive hardware assistance is available to qualified students with significant auditory and/or visual senses
- Occupational and Physical Therapy - students with a qualifying disability can receive supportive therapy services
Got questions?
For help in navigating the district's Special Education system, for a flowchart of communication options for families.
Special Education Resources: